Saturday, September 1, 2012

You know what I'm tired of?

Blogs that seem to consist solely of showing off the quality of the author's photography combined with almost no actual content. Well, unless it's a photography blog, in which case, rock on with your bad self and your awesome camera.

But some blogs that used to be awesome to read are little anymore but compendiums of pretty pictures of things that once upon a time might have had a substantive post along with them. Lots of cooking and craft blogs like that. I really don't care to see professional-quality pictures of the egg you're about to break into the  beautiful bowl that gets a picture of its own with a twee little story about finding your whisk at a market stall in Bangalore.

Some people seem to like that sort of thing, but it doesn't do a damned thing for me.

I've developed performance anxiety when it comes to blogging about knitting, because the only reasonably easy way to do that right now is to use my cellphone camera, which is not noted for it's picture quality despite supposedly possessing approximately eleventy-billion pixels. Makes me feel like the poor kid being mocked for his hand-me-down jeans, even if nobody says a word.

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