Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sometimes, your parents really *are* wrong.

We give younger people a lot of crap for not believing a thing that their elders say, but as the world changes they are more and more correct in ignoring us. Here is a perfect example: a parent fussing because her adult (college educated) child took a job that she feels is insufficiently fancy.

Um, yeah.

The days where a college degree almost automatically leads to a "good" job are OVER. They've been over for a while. The old ways and the myths seem to have a life of their own, though (was there ever an era when a job was yours until retirement, with excellent benefits and a big fat pension?), and the folks who throw you on the college track sure as hell aren't going to tell you this even if they realize it.

Most parents want what's best for their kids, but they're judging that best by conditions that haven't existed in so long that to these kids it sounds like an urban legend. 

The other thing that bugs me about this is that "good" and "well-paying" are not synonymous. It's a rather obvious point but still worth considering.

In any case, kids? Ignore us old farts when it comes to higher ed. Your world is frighteningly different from ours, and we know even less about how to navigate it than you do. Innovate, live, and be happy...and don't do it carrying the myths that we would foist upon you.

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